A blog (THIS is a blog, NKLJMY) to share the happenings and horrors of the Allan clan. Post your stories, snapshots and selected sundires, but save your gripes for Thanksgiving and Christmas! Questions? Email me
Hey everyone~ I thought I would post some more recent pics of Jack from the baptism and some random shots at home on the lawn....Thank you for making his baptism a special time for us all! Enjoy these!
Here I am at a Greek Krevati (bed making party where the bridesmaids make the bed of the bride and the groom comes in and messes it up and then they have to make it 3 more times. Then they place a baby on the bed and everyone throws money on him and all around him...some kind of fertility tradition with those nutty Greeks!)
They sat this little blonde honey on the bed next to me...Biotch better not try to gank my loot! Fo sho!
I just noticed that no one has blogged since Jay in March! Sorry I have not posted any recent pics of Jackson. Been busy trying to find the right jobby job up here in the GREATer Buffalo area! Summer is actually the tits up here...The pool is NOW OPEN! I will post some pics later on...As soon as I find my camera cord... Cant wait for the wedding to see you all in your Swatch-O-Matic glory!
That's Saudi Arabia to you all. It was dark when we drove across the causeway from Bahrain (which is stunning) into Saudi Arabia, so no pictures of the outdoors. I did take some pictures of my "guest house" where I am staying. Not too shabby. I have a butler. More later.
....Unfortunately it's not Gatwick or else I could bust out a Fish Called Wanda reference...
Anyway, I'm sitting in the British Airways lounge waiting for my connecting flight to Bahrain. From Bahrain I take a care across the "causeway" connecting Bahrain to Saudi Arabia which is where I am traveling. Here's the causeway:
And here is a map of Saudi Arabia showing where Dhahran is located:
, where I will be spending the next three days visiting our client Saudi Aramco (some buildings pictured below), which is a Saudi state-owned oil company. I'll try to post some pictures if there is anything interesting to photograph (and if I'm actually allowed to take pictures). Wish me luck!
Happy Easter Allan clan! The Naylor sect of the clan had a nice weekend in Manhattan. The family arrived on Friday and we had some Japanese and Vietnamese take-out and stayed up chatting for a bit.
On Saturday, Judi joined the Justin Naylor family on a trip to the American Natural History Museum. The girls walked 2 miles and didn't complain at all! I think they are city girls after all!
Saturday night we colored eggs to make them into Easter eggs and lucky for us the Easter bunny showed up over night to hide them along with some candy.
On Sunday morning we enjoyed some coffee cake, had our humane hunt and then went to Church. After Church we took a few photos.
The humane hunt ~
After Church pics (Jackson was at the deli with his parents picking up his lunch) ~
Sweet Allan family directory Burt. Nice work. I had never heard that "Judi-ism" before. Is there a compendium to rival Yogi Berra?
Saw James's email earlier today re. the Grannies for Peace. I would have thought they would expect to be arrested - that's the point of civil disobedience, no?
On the 5 year anniversary of the Iraq invasion, Slate.com. is running a series of pieces by so called "liberal hawks" (of which I am one) on why they were wrong about the Iraq war. It's a very interesting, evenhanded series. I particularly liked this piece by Jeffrey Goldberg who wrote extensively about the Kurds' struggle prior to the war. I think his view on it is as close to my view as any I have seen. If you're interested in a propaganda-free, thoughtful reexamination of reasonable people's views (in many cases revoked) on the war, I commend the entire series.
On a lighter note, this is probably the funniest piece I've read in a major circulation magazine in a long time. For anyone who actually remembers Lenny Dykstra the baseball player, this is an excellent piece.
Heading to Saudi Arabia for business in a couple of weeks, I'll be sure to post some pics. Until then, GET BLOGGING!!!
Just a quick update on the J Naylor clan, oh wait...that could mean 3 different things, wait...4 different things - This is an update on the Jeremy Michael Naylor clan. There, I think I got it right.
We can't wait to hear more from Tyler about Australia. We always thought we'd go back after our honeymoon, but I guess we all know how those things go.
I can't wait to see pics of Istanbul from Katey. I hope she makes it to Hagia Sophia.
On our front, we're almost done painting the "parlour". Scratch that, I'm almost done painting the "parlour". Rex is walking! He loves to walk at home, but he holds my finger at his classes. Hopefully he'll grow out of his public bashfulness soon. The big news is that Rex has his first playdate this week!
J and I are also getting ready for the western NY Naylors to descend upon us for Easter. J is making the massive IKEA run tomorrow a.m. and we will busy ourselves with putting sh** together over the coming week. Our menu is just about planned.
Out of curiosity..and to see who actually reads what I write, what are appropriate main dishes for Easter?
hello famıly! i'm here (the keyboard here ıs a bıt dıfferent - same letters, but punctuatitıon ıs ın dıfferent spots and there are a few extra letters. and there ıs a dıfference ın Turkish between ı and i...so you get the ı because ıt's ın the normal spot!). Anyhow, ıt,s beautıful and sunny here,and we've just had breakfast and are gettıng ready to go out and explore our neıghborhood,etcç We had some delays on both flıghts gettıng hereö but otherwıse not too bad (although after nearly 24 hours travelıng we were pretty much wastes of space!). Bahaus Hostel ıs quıte nıce,as ıs our brıtısh roommate paul. fun and relaxatıon! can't waıt to get scrubbed to be lıke a newborn baby ın the hamam! xoxo kate
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 23:13:30 +0000 Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I am settled in here in Australia. Today we are going to the beach hopefully. I'm sending this from an internet cafe and I bought a cellphone yesterday so i should be able to call soon once I get a calling card and figure out how. Our apartments are really nice, a little small though. The address is actually Milano Serviced Apartments, not Milano Service Department or whatever I told you before. I took a bunch of pictures yesterday but i forgot the cord to upload them at home. So whenever I find another one in a store I'll send them to you. Otherwise I've just been getting over the jet <>lag and seeing the city, its really nice here. I already talked to a bunch of Australians about the country and things to do and America and all that jazz. I'll send you another email soon once I get all my stuff set up and figured out. Talk to you soon. Tyler
submitted by Sarah via Juliet (who knows how to blog now!!!)
Jay's upset cause we're not using the blog, but I think some of the older members of the clan don't get how to even get on it - not me though!
Justin is glorifying in the glow of McCain's win against nobody, but Justin, he's meeting with Bush today? "Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, now I see that they are here to stay, Oh I believe in yesterday."
We haven't quite figured out how to post pictures - but here are some -backwards! The picture of the nest is supposed to say "Snowbirds' home?" Cute eh? Anyway, it was a perfectly beautiful day -snow, blue sky, greeting neighbors - all good. I've taught Burt how to blog, although we couldn't sign him up for his own account (Jay?). Enjoy the day! xxoo J.
And this coming from a guy who voted for him in the New York primary. (the cliff notes version is that I think he would make an o.k. president, but I don't believe in his transcendental candidate sales pitch, I don't agree with his positions on the three issues i think are most important, and I think at the end of the day he's not ready for the office - for the full version, read on).
The main thread in the articles I linked to earlier and a back-and-forth I have had with a very well-informed Massachusetts liberal concerns Obama's ability to inspire - here and abroad. This is after all, a man who sounds like JFK. And I can't deny at least the superficial pull of the idea that a US president named "Barack Hussein Obama" may cause an 18 year old Palestinian considering a short career in suicide to think twice before seeking out his 72 virgins.
And of course, he is extremely intelligent (Harvard Law) and accomplished (community organizer, big law firm associate, ILL state senator for 8 years, freshman senator) and has the most interesting personal history of any presidential candidate I can remember (well, Bill Clinton was pretty interesting too). And contrary to poor Texas State Sen. Kirk Watson's faulty memory (see below), Obama has a few legislative accomplishments to his name (co-sponsoring a nuclear nonproliferation bill with one of my favorites, Sen. Dick Lugar, and passing ethics reform). And most of his work has involved working with republicans, or other interested interest groups.
All of this said, on the issues I care about the most, (1) health care, (2) economic policy and (3) Iraq, I am farthest away from his positions and I believe his positions are the least well thought out among the folks left (well, except for McCain on #2). Obama's health care plan is, for a Democrat running in 2008, simply unacceptable. His argument, that universal health care can only be achieved piecemeal, runs absolutely contrary to the rest of his rhetoric. His plan, unlike Clinton's, would clearly not cover all of the uninsured and his line "well, if we were starting from scratch, I'd choose single-payer" belies a lack of courage that he has in other policy areas (see his waffling over school vouchers in different conversations with teachers unions and other groups).
On economic policy, damned if I can tell what his plan, or even belief, is. His website presents a hodgepodge of ideas that have no real rational tie to them. His approach on taxes is backwards - instead of providing an income tax to offset poor peoples' payroll taxes, he should propose indexing payroll taxes to income, or removing the cap on the Social Security tax (social security tax - the 6.25% tax we pay is only on the first $95K or so of income - if the cap were lifted, (i) social security would immediately be protected and (ii) the rate could likely be reduced to lessen the burden on the poor). Doing taxes in less than 5 minutes? WTF? Who cares? And who doesn't use turbotax at this point?
On Iraq, well this one is complicated for me. I was for the Iraq war when it was launched, for numerous reasons, only one of which was the search for the ever-elusive WMDs. I was in the what was then called the "I can't believe I'm a hawk" camp. It was absolutely a 'war of choice' inasmuch as the intelligence on Iraq's nuclear capability was criminally overstated. All of that said, it's an extremely complex issue that cannot under any circumstances be reduced to a "Get The Troops Out Now" banality. Neither Obama nor Clinton has truly grappled with what is really necessary to end the war in Iraq (in fact, of the three, only McCain has really acknowledged the complexity and difficulty we are in - his desire to actually prosecute the war and win it evinces a fuller understanding of how hard it is to get out than either Dem running). But I challenge any Obama supporter to explain to me how Obama would do a better job managing the inevitable withdrawal than Clinton:
From Obama's website: Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months [emphasis added]. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats; if al Qaeda attempts to build a base within Iraq, he will keep troops in Iraq or elsewhere in the region to carry out targeted strikes on al Qaeda. Obama will launch the most aggressive diplomatic effort in recent American history to reach a new compact on the stability of Iraq and the Middle East. This effort will include all of Iraq’s neighbors — including Iran and Syria. This compact will aim to secure Iraq’s borders; keep neighboring countries from meddling inside Iraq; isolate al Qaeda; support reconciliation among Iraq’s sectarian groups; and provide financial support for Iraq’s reconstruction.
From Clinton's website: The most important part of Hillary's plan is the first: to end our military engagement in Iraq's civil war and immediately start bringing our troops home. As president, one of Hillary's first official actions would be to convene the Joint Chiefs of Staff, her Secretary of Defense, and her National Security Council. She would direct them to draw up a clear, viable plan to bring our troops home starting with the first 60 days of her Administration. She would also direct the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs to prepare a comprehensive plan to provide the highest quality health care and benefits to every service member -- including every member of the National Guard and Reserves -- and their families. In her first days in office, Hillary would convene a regional stabilization group composed of key allies, other global powers, and all of the states bordering Iraq. The- mission of this group would be to develop and implement a strategy to create a stable Iraq. It would have three specific goals:
* Non-interference. Working with the U.N. representative, the group would work to convince Iraq's neighbors to refrain from getting involved in the civil war. * Mediation. The group would attempt to mediate among the different sectarian groups in Iraq with the goal of attaining compromises on fundamental points of disputes. * Reconstruction funding. The members of the group would hold themselves and other countries to their past pledges to provide funding to Iraq and will encourage additional contributions to meet Iraq's extensive needs.
Obama's is full of "if, if, if". I can guarantee that all of those "ifs" will take place. So it's a promise of a rapid withdrawal completely gutted by the realities on the ground that, yes, the translators and intermediaries we have worked with will need protection, yes, the oilfields in the south that stand to be seized by Iranian proxies will need to be secured, yes, Al Qaeda will most certainly establish a presence in the country, which will require a significant number of troops to stay. So, again, the rhetoric is nice: "all troops out in 16 months! Ice cream for everyone!", but the reality will clearly be something different.
Clinton, on the other hand, does not commit (I guess to her detriment) to a timeline, and contemplates (horrors!) consulting with people who know what the fuck they're doing. That is what a Commander in Chief does. Now, I have no illusion that at the end of the day their approaches would be substantively different, but the approach says a lot.
[A word on McCain - the "100 years" soundbite has been irresponsibly used by both Clinton and Obama - he was acknowledging the reality that we are there, in substantial numbers, and may be there for a long time, as we are in Germany and Korea. Are we currently at war in Korea or Germany? No. (well, technically we are in a cessation of hostilities in Korea...). We do, however, have bases in those countries, as we have bases in many friendly countries in the middle east - Turkey, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to name a few - why not Iraq?) As much as I hate the "straight talk" meme, he's really giving it to us here.]
In response to attacks that he is too generic in his speeches, Obama has referred people to his websites where he has "ten point plans all over [the website]". It's just not true. In a battle of substance, he loses to Hillary. It's plain and simple.
But many voters don't care about substance; they want to be inspired. They believe that the era of partisan politics is, or should be, over. As a democrat, why would I want the era of partisan politics to be over? Why, when Democrats stand to gain seats in the House and the Senate in 2008 (possibly a filibuster-proof majority) would I want necessarily to vote for a candidate who promises to transcend politics? When the selfsame candidate is someone who has said the most important thing to him is to wait and listen, rather than to take action? I truly believe that Clinton has in her mind exactly what she wants to accomplish in her first 100 days in office - she's someone who is absolutely chomping at the bit to get a health care bill enacted (not have the negotiations shown on C-Span), pass small, but important measures, to increase access to college education (critically important in this age of retraining workers) and intelligently, and cautiously, end the war in Iraq.
Finally (if you're still reading), I can't let this post end without mentioning Obama's hollywood and otherwise star-struck supporters. It's frustrating for someone like me who has voted in every election since he turned 18 to see a sudden outpouring of support from people who have never participated -- maybe this is just cynical and I should be happy to see increased participation whatever the reason, but can I at least expect that these newly enfranchised voters would at least know what their candidate stands for?
Or maybe I should just sit back and take in the lyrical stylings of the execrable Will.i.am?
nope. I just died inside a little after watching that (Scarlett, call me!)
Comments welcome.
[Edited 2/21 at 7:30: I should have explained after all that why I voted for Obama in the primary - I actually think he is more electable than Clinton - especially if McCain is the candidate. The conservative wing of the Republican party is dispirited that McCain is the candidate and is likely not particularly motivated to vote - Hillary could change that as she is catnip to the wingnut right wing of their party. Lastly, I should emphasize that I'll vote for either Clinton or Obama, whoever is the nominee and have no doubt that they'll both make competent presidents - I just believe that Hillary has a better grasp of what a president does and a stronger vision of what she wants to get done than Barack]
You'll see on the left I've added a poll and some more links to the left. If you have a cool link you want to share with the fam, email it to me and I'll add it. E.g., Kucinich2008 would have been perfect a few months ago.
Also, I can add a slideshow of pictures on the front page of the blog, so if you have a funny pic you want to see in the slideshow, shoot it to me. I can guarantee that this one will be there:
I'll post more on my thoughts on the candidates later, but here are two interesting pieces on Obama that have been in the national media lately:
Juliet, you can post a comment by making a new post, or if you want you can click on COMMENT next to where it says the time you posted on the actual blog page.... If you want to submit a picture, create a new post on blogger.com and click on the picture icon next to the a.b.c checkmark. You will browse through your saved files on your computer. Double click on any file image and then you can select where you want the picture to appear in your post. YOU CAN DO IT!!! I am SO happy you are blogging!!! If you want to minimize it just hit the "refresh" key every so often...You never have to close it. May I suggest that Burt move to Canada? Free health insurance! Portugal is also nice but no one follows driving laws....Wait, there are no driving laws there... Where is Burt's blog???
Hope the lively email discussion carries over to the blog. It really is easy if you can remember your email and password - always my bugaboo.
As for my election concerns and favorites, I'm really ambivalent about the nomination going to Obama or Clinton - either is fine. I think Clinton might get more done (experience), but I'd hate to see the Clinton hangers-on return to the White House. Obama would be a good president and his wife and daughters look and behave the part as well. I think he'll be productive, but seeing as the Congress will most likely be Dem, he won't have too many hurdles. McCain is respectable and has some ideas that aren't off-putting, but we'll see if he keeps those ideas when he has to lure conservative voters. Our country needs to do a lot in the coming years and having a Rep. White House and a Dem. Congress may not be the best way to tackle that. As I used to remind my government students - government and politics are not the same thing. I guess we'll have to see how the politics play out.
Hopefully I'll get some pics of our new place up soon!
Daph, I am happy to see you are still using the moniker "Usurper..." I am just itching for an OH HELL rematch! Easter? I wish we could get some more of the CrazyAllans to Blog...WHERE ARE YOU PEOPLE??? I have a book reccomendation. I just finished the Don Rickles Biography, "Rickles Book" Great read for anyone who loves Mr. Warmth himself! I never knew that he is best friends with Bob Newhart... Molly can you ask your dad if he has started looking through his old videos for video of Mike? I know he said it would take a while, but I am DYING to see this infamous video from the early 80's of Mike interviewing a "tired" Burt and Juliet about current events with John trying to hold the camera still, laughing... ***We will be holding the (Catholic) Christening of Jackson William Luis Ferreira Rodriguez Marquez Pork Chop Sebastiano Condes III sometime in late May (possibly Memorial weekend) here in Jamaica Queens at Luis's church. We will send out more info as the event approaches. There will be a huge party at the local portuguese social club afterwards with food, music and muito (much) dancing...If you can keep up! I know more people will be able to make it to NYC so doing it in Burt at the Episcopal church is out. In light of Luis's sister not being able to come into the country, we will be asking Luis's Godmother /Aunt/Stepmother (yes this is all the same person - Luis's father remarried his wife's sister who also happens to be Luis's godmother and Aunt) to be Jackson's godmother. Strange days...
Jeremy gave Sarah and me a tutorial on the blog and it is easy! Jay, can I keep this open by minimizing it and just check it throughout the day (if anybody starts using it)? Can you put an answer or comment on the blog directly from the blog page? I'll try to put a picture of the sisters on tomorrow.
We (Judi, Juliet, Sarah & Jean) had a good fun weekend with very few complaints - but of course there were some - we are Allans afterall. Jay, Jessica and Jack joined us for dinner Sunday night.
Ok, go Hillary, go Obama - go anybody but McCain. To paraphrase Burt in a comment 8 years ago - "if John McCain wins, I'm moving to a different country!" jul.
Wow, we're just all blogging away these days! I guess this election really has our juices flowing. I just have to say/write how much I LOVE and admire the passion that Em has for wanting our country to be a truly more improved place to live and how devoted she is to her candidate. Until these primaries it always seemed as though my vote didn't count because the candidates won a majority of the delegates before it was my states' turn to go to the polls. I felt more empowered this year as I sat at a table and had my "voting cubby" surrounded by file folders to provide an element of secrecy and filled in the ovals for the candidate of my choice. I'd have to say that my enthusiasm for the candidate I chose to vote for that day does not come close to rivaling Em's enthusiasm for Kucinich, but c'est la vie. The important thing is that some of the pessimism I've felt about politics, candidates and the electoral process has been kicked into the gutter thanks to the emergence of a competitive race for president. Hopefully the next administration will possess a greater moral compass and heed the direction that the compass points.
Thanks Jess for the cute updated pics of Jack!
Thanks Jeremy for remembering my password so that I could post this!
As for life on 152nd street - all is well. Currently Rex is napping in his stroller. We had Mandarin class this morning and he did a very nice job stacking "donuts"! He even seemed to know the order of the colors for stacking. I guess I'll have to see if he does it correctly again to know for sure. Rex loves to climb as well as try to go head first off of furniture. Thankfully someone is always around to soften the landing. He also likes climbing the 2 flights of stairs in our new apartment. It's a great way to tire him out for bed. Rex has 6 teeth and is working on his first cuspid which is causing him to wake up at night on occasion. It's a good thing humans can't remember getting teeth - it must really hurt.
On the way home from Mandarin Rex and I stopped at Fairway (the grocery store under the West Side Highway) and picked up some snacks for J and I to indulge in this evening. It is Valentine's Day after all.
I better go get a few things done before Rex wakes up!
Dude, LOVE the Taxman blog...Especially the You Tube goalie faceoff...That was so hilarious I blew cranberry juice from my nose! The Wesley Snipes "suck it IRS" pic was just as funny. I'm sure you've already seen the You tube of Zednik's carotid artery being severed on Monday....Did you watch that game? So gross. Cant believe they played the rest of it. I have always said that hockey is the most dangerous american sport...Except Bull riding MAYBE....BUT THE SABRES DID WIN!!!!! WOO HOO! Oops...is that insensitive? I wish I had the HHL Network. I dont even have the Howard Stern Channel anymore. Had to give it up...:(
JUST KIDDING!!! Tongue ring? Really? Cool...I did not see that yet... I have to say that what you get on the campaign trail is not what you get in the white house unfortunately...All the rhetoric about change and new beginnings and fresh ideas...It all sounds great on tv...Let's just hope some of it has real plans behind it that can take effect the 1st day in office...I just had to go with experience. Slippery? Maybe....But who hasn't been? You just never know what were going to get. I Just hope that if by some slim chance Hillary does win, the next 4 years won't be about investigations and hearings into old scandals and crap that has nothing to do with rebuilding the damage of the last 8 years. I think that the reason Rush Limbaugh does not support John McCain is because if he did win, they still would not have anything to talk about on his show...Unless McCain has experience in waiting in the Denny's parking lot for his dealer, and selling coffee mugs, ugly neckties and chairs with his name on it. Does any of that $ go to charity? Um.......um.......no.
This one is for Jay, the tireless encourager for the blog...
I too voted for the Big O after my heart was smashed apart and trampled on by my own country when it pushed its most ardent and honest politician (Yes! Believe it is not an oxy-moron!) out of the presidential race. PLEASE NOTE: while there are many things I do appreciate about Obama, I am not supporting him because I believe he's he greatest hope for our country. No, I am voting for him 1. because I hope that he will do SOME things to make this country slightly more integrified, and 2. because I am afraid of the Slippery Hill.
All thought-provoking responses are welcome. However, any comments about Kucinich's ears, height, or wife's tongue ring will give me further clout to come to your houses and throw your TVs out the window. Keep in mind, the media is CORRUPT! It may be fun, but just like any other mind-altering drug, it must be taken in moderation.
Here are so more pics of me! I love to sleep, eat, crap and giggle! Oh, and I also hold my own bottle at 4.5 months!!!! I am VERY territorial about my baba...
Greetings bitches! Yeah Jay, I'm with ya, I pulled my lever for Hillary the other night!!!
Um, Can anyone say, "Yowsah D-D-D-Daphne!!!??" Nice BIKINI! How come we didnt get to see that on July 4th?? DAMN GIRL! HUBBA HUBBA!
Here is an updated picture of little Jackie Poo Condes! Doesnt he look surprised? He always looks like this by the way....Constant state of shock I think.
We are doing fine, he is healthy and happy and learning Portuguese on a daily basis...Hopefully soon I will have some pics from a nice Carribbean vacation! I am totally up for week after Thanksgiving 2008!!! I miss my favorite waiter from St. John, SHAMBULU!
Hope everyone is enjoying the neverending election coverage, I am pretty much glues to the TV....has anyone noticed that John McCain has a Sweet lookin wife? What a MILF! Well, not me personally, but you know....
Sorry, I lapsed into urban patois there. May be the new neighborhood (549 W. 152d St for those of you who don't know - don't show). May be repeated viewings of The Wire (a.k.a. the best show on television). Whatever it is, it's time for me to drop a little T-Rex update on all y'all. Roll wit' me.
It's been a while and we've been busy:
WTF? that's not Rex. No, that's my intricate lattice work on a kickass apple pie I made for Thanksgiving. Suck it Julia Child. Wait. She's dead. Suck it Gordon Ramsey?
Now that's more like it - St. John rocks. This was late November.
This was one of my homages to Mike. He loved nature. Unfortunately this creature tried to sell me auto insurance so I had to kill him. Sorry dad.
O.k.. that's it for now - suffice it to say, St. John is highly recommended (and even more economical if more than 1 couple is taking the trip - so, week after Thanksgiving '08 anybody?)
Next set of pics? Some rad Christmas and wedding SHOWER (heh) pics. Look for those hopefully before Flag day (I feel like something else is happening that day, but can't put my one day JOP license on it).