
Spreading holiday cheer and other nonsense

Christmas is coming,
The geese are getting fat,
Please put a penny
In the old man's hat.
If you haven't got a penny,
A ha'penny will do,
If you haven't got a ha'penny,
Then God bless you.
Christmas is coming,
lights are on the tree,
Hang up your stocking for Santa Claus to see.
If you you haven't got a stocking,
a little sock will do;
If you haven't got a little sock,
God bless you!
Christmas is coming,
the season of good cheer,
Let's all sing a carol for the brand-new year!
If you haven't got a carol,
a jolly song will do;
If you haven't got a jolly song,
God... bless... you...!

A nice song to get stuck in your head 'round the holidays.

I'm going to guess that the new babies name will be PUCK
that would be what i named this handsome ostrich up there. I love the name puck.

Well thats all for today. See you all soon :)


Last Thanksgiving...

Here is a quick pic from last year's festivities. I think Juliet was about to sneeze.

C'mon people... Post your pics, and your links. Click on this link to see "serious" Jay as my friends call me...


...is this thing on?

Testing testing 1-2-3. Ok i think i figured out how to work this thing. Wooo yay for the allan blog! we all deserve one for being so delightfully crazy :).

<---aint that cunnin? I decided this allan family blog needs to show the real allan family! One day I'll get up the 'other' side of this picture...and when I do put it up you all will understand what I mean... :)

Well I guess I'll see you all, or most of you, around christmas time! Huzzah, good day, merry christmas, and la-di-da


Hey everyone! This is so cool now that I figured out how to start a new post....I accidentally did mine as a comment.....Click on the comment button to read it....
Anyway, thanks to everyone for making the holiday great! Sure wish dad couldve been there. Im sure he was though.
Nice pic of me bowling eh? Not my finest hour of sports......a 52 on the 10th frame.....Ouch.
Luis did not end up getting a kill this year, and I cant say Im sad about that....we did see a lot of pheasants on the highway on the way home though. very weird. We also heard a story on the radio about a man getting arrested on the highway for having "relations" with a female dead deer carcass, but they had to let him go since it was already dead.....HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


First Post!

Welcome to the Allan Clan blog (if anyone has a better name, let me know and I will change it) - a place mainly to post pictures and otherwise keep folks apprised of current events involving the Crazy Allans.

We'll take the plunge and include the first post (and pic). Here is one from Friday-after-Thanksgiving bowling. Enjoy....