Welcome to the Allan Clan blog (if anyone has a better name, let me know and I will change it) - a place mainly to post pictures and otherwise keep folks apprised of current events involving the Crazy Allans.
We'll take the plunge and include the first post (and pic). Here is one from Friday-after-Thanksgiving bowling. Enjoy....
Grrrreeeeaaat! Thanks for the pic of my boobs! hahahahaha. That was fun.
I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday. Wish dad couldve seen me bowl a 52....that was my worst ever.
Can everyone post on here what they want for X-mas? This Sunday is like my only day to shop.....
oh, I think the smith-naylor baby will be named OTTO
Yeay! Jess your TaTas look as fresh as ever. Well, after the family-phone pass-around and subsequent catch-ups with Mom & Dad, aka Burt and Juliet, everything about this year's Thanksgiving sounded most rad. Wish I coulda been there with you guys but I am so very glad you all had a great time. I will be seeing some of you at Christmas, and hopefully more of you at Fourth of July at the Cottage! Maybe in a year, T-day in Sahn Diahgo?? Just a thought... you'd trade snowy winds and fireplace for palm trees and barefeet... I'm still trying to get used to it... I'm sure the bloody marys would taste the same. frickin YUM. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
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