
Notes from Sugar Hill...NYC

Just a quick update on the J Naylor clan, oh wait...that could mean 3 different things, wait...4 different things - This is an update on the Jeremy Michael Naylor clan. There, I think I got it right.

We can't wait to hear more from Tyler about Australia. We always thought we'd go back after our honeymoon, but I guess we all know how those things go.

I can't wait to see pics of Istanbul from Katey. I hope she makes it to Hagia Sophia.

On our front, we're almost done painting the "parlour". Scratch that, I'm almost done painting the "parlour". Rex is walking! He loves to walk at home, but he holds my finger at his classes. Hopefully he'll grow out of his public bashfulness soon. The big news is that Rex has his first playdate this week!

J and I are also getting ready for the western NY Naylors to descend upon us for Easter. J is making the massive IKEA run tomorrow a.m. and we will busy ourselves with putting sh** together over the coming week. Our menu is just about planned.

Out of curiosity..and to see who actually reads what I write, what are appropriate main dishes for Easter?

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