Following up on Emily's recent post...I've decided that since I've done quite a few exciting things lately that I would share them with you.
First of all there is, of course, the New York Film Academy that I went to during most of July and some of August. (We call it NYFA as in knife-uh) At NYFA I met TONS and tons and tons and tons and tons of interesting/amazing people and did lots of fun stuff. I guess you could say my experience was something like college...not like I would know. But we generally woke up, went to classes, ate lunch, went to more classes, went back to our dorm, and was free to do whatever we wanted for the rest of the night. My roommates name was Katie Squires and we were like SOUL SISTERS or something because we clicked with each other almost right off the bat. She is a senior this year and lives in Ottawa, Canada (I would always tease her when she would say things like 'eh?' at the end of sentences or SOARry or toMOREow or pAHHsta as in 'hat') She was fluent in french, and I told her how the only thing I knew what what my mother taught me, and that was 'Would you like a chocolate? Yes I would like a chocolate!" Anyway, we became such great friends and did almost everything together.
us together at our finest
Here are a few pictures of our dorm room before and after we decorated it
Haha as you can see, we had lots of fun transforming our boring ol ordinary dorm room into a beautiful artistic masterpiece. Now back to those interesting people we met at NYFA...
There was Randy, our Director's Craft teacher. He was THE man. He was all gangsta fab and said stuff like "Thats whats up!" and "I'm buggin I'm buggin". He also was really helpful with much of our film ideas.
This is Ahmet, the Turkish Camera teacher. He was REALLY inspiring and, although it was hard to understand him through his thick accent, was funny and clear in explaining things. Ahmet is the one all the way to the right, with a few fellow filmers showing off their cameraing skills to the left.
And here is Kate Kurtz...the craziest writing teacher ever in life. Her attitude and stuff reminded me a bunch of Lorilie from Gilmore Girls. She was CRAZYY and almost inspiring but some of her lectures were really pointless.
Ok enough of the are some of the interesting people I was telling you about.
This is Ben and Katie. Ben is from California (hello emily!) and became one of my close friends.
This is a picture of Katie, Eli and Me. Eli was also a really nice guy that me and Katie got to know really well. He seems like a promising movie maker.
This is a picture of (from left to right) Connor, Nick in the Front, Shlomi in the back, Gabe, Andre, then George. I didn't really get to know any of them too well, except that Shlomi came all the way from Israel.
This last picture is of David and Ari. They both were in the 6 week program, but they lived in our residence and on our floor so we got to chill with them a lot. They both were really impressive film makers.
So anyway we went to class all through the weeks and had days off on the weekend which we spent working on our movies most of the time. SPEAKING of movies, I cant wait to show all of you guys my movie!!! Soon I will definitely show it.
Well this blog has gone on way too long so I will stop here and leave everything else a mystery. Feel free to e-mail me with any questions to
Love, Molly
moll-boll you famous thing.
film school seems to have been an awesome experience for you! i am stoked about it. i would like to see your film the next time i visit easternly states again, which i hope to be quite soon because i am MISSING everybody real good.
ps. did you have any crushes? come on let's get to the real info.
haha nah no crushes for me. everyone was either too tall or too computer geek-ish. But they were all really cool and awesome friends
Plus I was already going out with someone at the time...
Nice dodge, Ducky. Keep 'em guessing.
Seriously, though, great posts. Come on rest of the Allan Clan. Show us what ya got....
Also? Ben and Katie totally had something going on. Am I right?
hahaha not even close.
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