Here's a long-overdue post about recent events. As it is the first once since April, there is obviously many months worth of material left out. These pics are from the month of August. I want to post some tasty pics of fourth of July, but that would take a long while since there are very many to go through. At least here you can get a small sampling of the life and times of Em Hansen (Trent!).
James and Tris brushing tooths like every night.
Where I went on my 25-Alive birthday. My great friend Djiana picked me up and we spent a bunch of hours at Blacks Beach in La Jolla, and then went out to lunch!
A few recent art pieces by me in an art&music show put on by a friend named Kate. A good learning experience... I got some perspective on the conditions under which I would do another show of this type, i.e. room setup, other showcasing artists, door price, etc. I also got a good perspective on my actual work that I am doing as a straight up "Artist" and what I like about what I am doing and what I want to change or focus on with future projects.
Tris in the morning time with our cat Captain Ashface. (Some of you may not know that our first cat, Dorothy Snogboggler, passed away while we were on vacation for July 4. We miss her.) Captain is rad, and she is FRICKIN crazy. She's a cuddler, but also a fierce attacker and meower for food.
These are all pics of the war protest James and I rode our bikes to in downtown San Diego. It was my first one! It was a good time. Lots of good minds around to talk to and people holding up signs and talking about real things. At the start there were about 200 people there, and it dwindled as time went on to me and James and about 15 others including a homeless chap who had had a few whiskys named Breeze who got ahold of a sign and was yelling up a storm: "Bring our homeboys home!" and he was a very excellent addition to our group of young and old. I'd say the best part of the protest was literally standing on the curb, with my flip-flopped toes scooching into the road, one of my hands holding up a peace sign and the other holding up a sign that said BELIEVE. I stood there for three hours like that, and cars of all kinds, rich folks, poor folks, folks of all colors, cab drivers, teenagers, old ones, little tikes, tons of people drove by and "honked for peace". Of course there was the occasional Bush supporter (this is a navy town, after all) who yelled obscenities and flicked us the bird, but we laughed and peaced on. Busses would drive by and I could see our reflection in the windows, and that felt great: ME amidst a mass of people with our human beliefs broadcasted out to the mass public. After the protest James and I got a delicious meal at Rock Bottom. Mine was the bourbonzola burger: a veggie burger on a bun with fried onions and gorgonzola cheese and some kind of drug-like teryaki sauce which now visits me in my daydreams. After dinner we headed to the Onyx Room where there is free live jazz by the city's best trumpeter, Gilbert Castellanos. This was a very good night.
James' mom Mary came over for her birthday on the 30th. I made an experimental dish: onions sauteed with olive oil and brown sugar, then mushrooms and good-chicken chunks added, and then some pear. YUM with couscous. Mary had a great time, and won $8 on lottery tickets!
This is a breakfast I made for James and me to celebrate the first of September. The drink was fresh juice made of mango, grapefruit, pear and champaigne!
Also, I made another extremely tasty snack this afternoon which I think all of you should know about because it is very simple and delicious. Ok: put a pita in the toaster oven for a couple minutes. Take it out, put a little bit of sour cream on it, and then smear it with a bunch of hummus. Then put sliced fresh tomatoes and avocado on it. DUDES...
This month is shaping up to be a good one. I actually am going to be showing those same pieces in another friend's art show, which I am and am not looking forward to. I'm going up to see Jean Shearer at the farm she is working at during the weekend of the 22. I am also applying to a four-course copy-editing program through UCSD as to be employable as a master of grammar and punctuation. From then on, the world is mine and I will douse it with em-dashes! No just kidding, I'm hoping to get a part-time gig and magazine/newspaper/publishing company, or even better yet as freelance, and dwindle my days of coffee-making down to the barebones.
I hope everything is great with everyone and I would like to hear all about it!
Um, are there any additions yet? If not, Jess, can you stand up?
Let me know.
Ok, love you all,
1 comment:
Emily hansen (trent) my dear it is wonderful to hear from you. Life seems fantastic and I love that whole protesting thing...that looks so awesome!! It must have been quite an experience. Life for me is not as started...not fun at all. But I'm looking forward to seeing you whenever I do see you next.
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