Well. Shit.. come on in!!!
Great to see the updates from Molly and Em. Figured I'd throw up an update with some pics, although I think Molly's blogging acumen is already better than mine (BTW, I have another at www.thetaxman.blogspot.com)
So Summer went by so quickly that it doesn't even seem like it was here, but we have the pics to show that some of us did age over the summer.
Here is Rex in late May/early June:
And here he is this week:
O.k.. One more...
So yeah. He's gotten bigger. We're trying to decide on which sport and musical instrument he should start (o.k., I'm trying decide. Daphne is holding a knife to my neck). If this blog had poll functionality (damn webmaster), I'd include a poll on this topic as well as on the topic of whether Molly is too young to be "seeing someone" as she so innocently stated in her comment earlier.
So.... that's the Rex update. He likes peaches, yogurt, cottage cheese, plums, and baked whitefish with pecorino cheese and herbs d'provence. Don't blame me. Blame the one with French blood in her veins.
Everything else is going well. Hopefully we'll get to see some or all of you soon as the inevitable pilgrimage to the next member of the Allan Clan (i.e., Jessica's kid ) arrives front and center (or, perhaps, slightly off-center... they don't just shoot straight out, you know....)
awesome jay! rex is shaping up to be a handsome young fella. hey have you tried to give him marinated artichoke hearts with roasted red peppers with fresh parmesan? or how 'bout the ever-excellent apples with peanut butter! glad to see you all are well!
also i would like to add that if we are mapping out ideas for rex's pasttimes and character-builders, we shant forget ART CLASSES.
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