Anyway... (now that I've got everyone's attention).. figured it was about time for an update as it's been almost a year since this blog started (seems like 10).
We're gearing up for Thanksgiving in the city - a Naylor/Condes/Smith-Naylor/Mandaville production. Complete with a kid's table! I guess it's official - I'm an adult.
Jessica and Jackson William Luis Jerry Lewis Stevie Wonder Condes stopped by today. Here's a video of the two new cousins getting acquainted:
In other news, Rex is standing! Well, he's able to pull himself up and hang out. He's not Dancing With the Stars-ready yet (although neither was Jane Seymour, yet she managed to hang on for a while. Hey-oh!). Here is pictorial evidence (not of Jane Seymour you dirty birdies - although that's a hell of a bod for a 57-year old):
Ok. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "you know Jay, you're smart and good looking and make a mean martini. Wait, what was I saying, oh yeah, clearly that photo is staged". Well do you like apples? Here's a video. How do you like them apples?:
That's right beeyotches! No, Rex is not about just sitting around and hanging out. Nope, it's all standing and all climbing all the time. Especially on dad. Especially when dad's trying to chill. Seriously, though, way cool. One might almost say "rad" (I wouldn't, but I fight to the death to preserve others' right to).
Yes, he's so grown up that he's started drinking.
He made that face so then I needed to give him the second one...
What else. Going to St. John the week after Thanksgiving. That should be fun. Which reminds me, Dr. John - medical advice needed. How long should it take me to lose say 15 pounds? More than 2 weeks? Damn.
That's it from this end (heh. "end"). Come on and POST SOMETHING. Especially you Molly - we all are dying to know who this beau of yours is that we have heard so much about. Are you "going steady"? Do the kids still say that?
And if anyone is interested in my thoughts on the Red Sox, Bills or Taxes, here is my other blog.
Smell ya later...